We never forced our son, Tikoy, to read. But when we saw his interest in reading (recognizing words, attempting to make the sounds, and curiosity for new words) we knew he was ready and supported his progress in a fun way and without adding the pressure to get it all correctly. 

His preparedness for reading got more pronounced when we bought an Elephant and Piggie book, “I am Invited to a Party” by Mo Willems. It became an instant hit for our family for its hilarious story and simple content. Tikoy immediately picked up the repetitive words, and reading them was more fun with interactive dialogue and engaging illustrations. 

Borrowed Elephant and Piggie Books by Mo Willems from the library
We have been borrowing Elephant and Piggie books from the library the whole month!

Elephant and Piggie by Mo Willems

We think Elephant and Piggie is an excellent book option for fun reading practices for your budding little readers!

Speech bubbles in a children's book with elephant and pig characters
Color coded dialogues makes the reading more fun!

Mo Willems’ Elephant and Piggie books feature simple yet engaging stories perfect for little kids just starting to learn how to read. Elephant and Piggie, in particular, focuses on big feelings and the friendship between Gerald the Elephant and Piggie the Pig, presented in a dialogue format with color-coded speech bubbles, making it easy for our son to follow along and understand the conversations.

The language used in the books is simple and repetitive, so it helps develop children’s early reading skills. Plus, the illustrations are expressive and colorful, capturing the emotions and actions of the characters, which completes the reading experience. (Yes, we act them out too.)

A page from a children's book of a pink pig saying "Good for you..."
Its storylines are hilarious but nonetheless, touching.

Elephant and Piggie by Mo Willems is a great practice book if your kids are in the pre-reading stage. Try taking turns reading the dialogue between Gerald and Piggie. For us, Tikoy reads Gerald’s line while Mommy reads Piggie’s. We noticed that giving him a sense of participation boosted his confidence in his emerging reading abilities and made him curious to learn more words. 

Order a copy today!

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