We found ourselves trying to figure out what to cook for lunch with a bag of frozen beef samgyupsal one ECQ day. The vegetable crisper was practically empty save for a stalk of chives when, light bulb! “Let’s have a whatever-you-have-in-your-fridge beef misono!” Amazing how this situation creates an avenue for trying new recipes.


Serves 5 hungry adults and 1 toddler

1/2 kg beef samgyupsal cut (sukiyaki cut will work too)

1/2 cup sliced shiitake mushrooms (optional)

2 large eggs

1 bulb of garlic, chopped

2 medium sized onions, sliced

1/4 cup kikkoman light soy sauce

1 cup water

4 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp sesame oil

1 squeeze of lemon and rind (optional)

1/2 thumb of ginger (grated)

Toasted sesame seeds

Chopped chives

Salt and pepper


We used our skillet so it’s a cook-and-serve number.

  1. Saute garlic, onions, ginger, and shiitake mushrooms.
  2. Mix soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, lemon juice and rind, and water. Pour into the sauteed mushrooms.
  3. Bring to a boil, adjust saltiness according to taste.
  4. Once the sauce is boiling, bring the heat down and add beef slices one at a time. Work it around the pan and make a “crater” at the center. Note: Of course you can place it any way you like, but this is for the sake of our plating since we’ll serve from the skillet.
  5. Cook under medium heat for about 20 -30 mins or until the meat is tender. Note: Our samgyupsal slices were a little thick so it took a long time to cook. What we’re looking for is a melt-in-your-mouth feel for the fat parts (just don’t tell our cardiologist). If you’re using sukiyaki cut, it might only need a few minutes. Keep an eye on your meat or else it will shrink.
  6. If the water evaporates and your beef is still a little tough, add a splash of water to prevent it from burning.
  7. Once the meat is cooked, drop 2 eggs at the center (yup, that’s what the well was for), cover the pan, and simmer for 2 minutes or until the eggs turns opaque.
  8. Top with sesame seeds and chives. Serve hot with lots of rice!
Beef Misono in a skillet pan
Skip the low-carb diet when you cook this. At the end of the meal, we scraped the tasty sauce sitting on the bottom of the pan with rice.

Where to buy Mushrooms?

Shiitake Mushrooms: Supaiso Store (the cheapest we can find in Shopee!) Click here.

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